Monday, January 28, 2013

Yoga: An Overview of cleansing one’s body and mind

Forms of Boston Yoga Classes

An importance aspect of yoga is detoxification of one’s body and mind as a best result in finding yoga to practice and make it as your daily habits for healthy lifestyles in our life. What makes yoga a good exercise is bringing about to balance the body, mind and soul of one’s life.

What are the different types of yoga?

a. Hatha yoga
b. Ashtanga yoga
c. Anusara yoga
d. Bikram yoga
e. Kundalini yoga
f. Vinyasa yoga
g. Iyengar yoga
h. Prenatal yoga
i. Restorative yoga
j. Jivamukti yoga

Hatha yoga - to unite the body, mind and spirit of one’s self. It consists of asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation. Hatha yoga practices aims to cleanse the body and mind and to purify the one’s spirit.

Astanga yoga – aims to provide happiness including both mental and emotional and to some other several part of our body. It is well-known as the “eight limbs” that give more than one benefit in our body. The eight limbs are the following;

1. Yama – “God of Death”
2. Niyama – cleanliness of mind and body.
3. Asanas - means postures.
4. Pranayama – is the art of breathing control.
5. Pratyahara –“gaining mastery over external influences”
6. Dharana – a soothing and giving intense of satisfaction and peace of mind.
7. Dhyana – means “wealthy’
8. Samadhi –“ health and wholeness of the soul”

Anusara yoga – It is basically known as “flowing with grace”. Through practicing yoga, it aims to do such practices by following your heart means that they are expressed from the inside out. It is called as heart opening postures of one’s individual.

Bikram yoga – It has 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises with sessions to run for exactly 90 minutes and it is practiced with a room heated to 105°F (≈ 40.6°C) with a humidity of 40%.

Kundalini yoga – the objective is to awaken the full potential of human awareness in each individual. It is focused on self-awareness and delivering one’s experience from your highest consciousness.

Vinyasa yoga – yoga with variety of changes and poses or many poses movement involvement.
Iyengar yoga – It pay attention to detail and precise focus on body alignment.

Prenatal yoga – yoga exercises to pregnant women to nurture your body and your baby from first to third trimester.

Restorative Yoga – a relaxing yoga, involved holding yoga poses for longer periods of time and with the use of a few simple yoga props.

Jivamukti yoga – This is for the liberation's of the body and soul of one’s individual through yoga practice.
In general, one aspect of yoga practice is to detoxify one’s body, mind and soul where you are completely brought closer to the Creator. It has the power of purification of everyone’s life as to fulfill the aim of cleansing his whole body.

By exploring the various aspects of yoga practice, it has the power of healing and cleansing our mind, body and spirit with the achievement of peace of mind in ourselves from such benefits it can contribute a lot of cure in our life. Through yoga practice, hence, it is really more beneficial.

If you want to learn more about Boston Yoga Classes. Visit the link.